Obrazové tabule k téme

The Earth Stores Heat / The Atmosphere as a Poor Conductor of Heat
The Earth Gives Back Heat / Radiation
Like a Warm Bed / Radiation: Retaining Heat
Like a Freezing Bed / Radiation: Dispersing Heat
Rain and the Desert / The Influence of Mountains on Precipitation and the Development of Deserts
Rain by the Sea / Local Rain: Rain by the Sea or Local Rain
Warm Air Rises Evaporation
Vapor Condenses / Condensation
How the Winds Form / The Formation of the Winds
Wind Cycles / Winds: A Scheme of Their Formation
Regular Winds
A Sea Breeze / Local Winds: the Daytime Sea Breeze
A Land Breeze / Local Winds: the Nighttime Land Breeze
Our Summer / The Northern Summer Solstice
Our Winter / The Northern Winter Solstice
Spring and Autumn / The Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes
Summer Monsoon Winds / Winds and the Distribution of Precipitation During the Summer in the Northern Hemisphere
Winter Dry Winds / Winds and the Distribution of Precipitation During the Summer in the Southern Hemisphere
Marine Currents / Cold and Warm Marine Currents
Names of Marine Currents / Important Nomenclature of Marine Currents
Let’s Destroy the Rock / Erosive Power of the Winds

Tento didaktický materiál pre vás spracovali ľudia z občianskeho združenia PERSONA v rámci projektu Cesta, ako navrátiť radosť z učenia do škôl. Realizácia projektu je možná vďaka podpore z Európskeho sociálneho fondu a Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja v rámci Operačného programu Ľudské zdroje.